We do appreciate teachers and are reminded to say so on National Teacher Appreciation Day. However, it is the Bilingual ones, the ones who have to think, plan, speak, write and prepare in two languages that are near and dear to our hearts. Thank you…Gracias….Merci!
We can relate to the times when you have to be so much to so many and still try to leave some for yourself. Look into the eye of most teachers and that tired, guarded glint is there. It is trying to balance everything and stay on their toes.
We salute you- we appreciate you- we support you and feel that you are the unsung heroes of education. Not because you do so much more, Coaches are dedicated too, so many teachers are doing such great work, but the Bilingual and Dual Language teachers are truly keeping a culture alive by speaking two languages.
Nosotros apoyamos y apreciamos a ustedes los maestros y maestras de estudiantes aprendiendo en dos lenguas…¡Viva BI-Literacy!
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